Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 and the Government entering the “Stay Alert” phase as of May 11 2020, new guidance has been released advising public and workers to consider wearing face coverings.

Face Coverings.

People should consider wear these in the following scenarios:

  • Places it is hard to maintain social distancing rules as using public transport or visiting shops.

  • Enclosed public spaces where you will be more likely to come into contact with people you do not normally meet.

Please note that wearing a face covering DOES NOT replace social distancing and regular handwashing, which remains the most important actions to tackle the virus. This is simply an added precaution that may have some benefit in reducing the likelihood that a person with the infection passes it on.

Wearing face coverings is not required by law, including within the workplace, however if you are likely to be within two meters of others, or a company risk assessment requires you to wear one, this document is provided to ensure you do so safely. There are also 5 easy ways to stay safe at work, read here.

SAGE and government are urging people not to purchase medical grade masks so they can be saved for frontline health and care workers.

Which One to Use in Public?

Further face coverings information includes;

There is a face covering “mask” treated with  “Sanitized” T-99 anti-microbial solution which is widely used by NHS and kills 99% of all bacteria. This meaning the disease carried by bacteria will not be transmitted. It has recently also been verified as effective against Covid-19

  • Face covering is seamless which makes it comfortable to wear for long periods of time.

  • Made from a stretchy material meaning one size fits all.

  • All masks are reusable, machine washable and is effective for at least 30 washes.

  • Wash on 40 degrees and can be tumble dried.

  • Masks come in packs of 2( wear one with on in the wash)

  • When not wearing face coverings, place in a bag to keep clean ( the bag provided by manufacturer can be utilised)

Important: it is important to note that these face masks DO NOT replace related PPE which should continue to be used in line with Risk Assessments and Method Statements.

How to Use Face Coverings Safely?

3 Simple steps on how to put them on:

  • Step 1– Before you put it on, clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol based hand rub.

  • Step 2– Cover your mouth and nose with the face covering. Make sure there are no gaps between your face and the cloth face covering it should fit snugly, but comfortably on your face. You should be able breathe without restriction.

  • Step 3– Avoid touching the covering while you are wearing it. If you do need to adjust it, clean your hands with alcohol based hand rub or soap and water before and after touching the face covering.

3 Simple steps when taking it off the face:

  • Step 1– Before you take it off, wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol based hand rub for at least 30 seconds.

  • Step 2– Start from the back and pull your face covering forward. Do not touch the front of your face covering. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth when removing your cloth face covering.

  • Step 3– Clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol based and rub- again!

Who Should Not Wear Face Covering?

Cloth face coverings are not suitable for children under the age of 14 and anyone who:

  • Has problems with their breathing.

  • Is unconscious or incapacitated to do so.

  • Is not actually able to remove it without help.

  • Has special needs or requirements.

  • People who may fell upset or very uncomfortable wearing it.

Remember: Try not to criticise or judge anyone who are not able to wear a face covering, as they might not wear one for a reason.

Who Should Not Wear Face Covering?

Cloth face coverings are not suitable for children under the age of 14 and anyone who:

  • Has problems with their breathing.

  • Is unconscious or incapacitated to do so.

  • Is not actually able to remove it without help.

  • Has special needs or requirements.

  • People who may fell upset or very uncomfortable wearing it.

Remember: Try not to criticise or judge anyone who are not able to wear a face covering, as they might not wear one for a reason.

When to throw it out

After 30 days as specified in manufacturer instructions, anyone should dispose of or throw out a cloth face covering when it is not:

  • Longer has the ability to covers your nose, mouth etc;

  • Stretched out distinctly or has damaged ties or straps.

  • Cannot any longer stay on your face.

  • Has visible holes or tears in the fabric itself.

REMEMBER: Everyone safety is paramount , please all THINK SAFE!